
Did I really have to print out all 298 pages of the last draft that I have worked on before editing? Nope. But I did.

There is nothing like holding these pages in my hand that I put so much time into for over a year. I always wanted to do it, and I did it… So yes I took out a tree in the process. Don’t judge me. I’ll hug a couple in this trees honour.

I am waiting for the first part of my work to be returned to me from the editor. I am pretty excited about that. It is only the first 4000 words that I am expecting. But I have to do it in chunks.

I filled these pages the best I could. And the only benefits I am looking to reap from it, is that the story is read. I know if it is read, it will most likely be the E-Book. But what would make me proud is if people would obtain the physical hard copy when it’s done. Not because I’m looking to make a bunch of money or anything like that.  It’s just a satisfying thought that my book, with my name sits on someone’s bookshelf, even if it’s collecting dust. I will then still say, my job was done.

Also looking forward to seeing where the sequel leads me.

That’s it for now.